
Mandala dětem

Pomozte dětem bez domova

Pomozte nám vybrat mandaly pro benefiční výstavu a nebo si rovnou kupte mandalu z galerie projektu Mandala dětem.

Mandalas for Children

Today mandalas are used not only in psychotherapy, but also as „coloring books” for adults or as a tool for relaxation and spiritual cleansing. They are also increasingly used by children. It is surprising how even all the hyperactive children can enjoy the calm creation, how the generally apathetic children become alive and how kids with various disabilities get involved in drawing as well.

Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková

Relaxing with Mandalas

Sit down comfortably and relax with a mandala...

Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková

How to Relax

Relaxation is an essential part of "psycho-hygiene". It helps us to recollect strength, to recover and it allows us to see situations from distance. These are the reasons it should become an everyday part of our lives.

Lenka Rogožanová

Ideas for Art Classes

Teach your children how colors are created and what they can capture! Let's play and explore the world.

Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková

Drawing Courses in Brno

Drawing, as well as writing, can work as a form of therapy (art therapy). Everybody can draw and everybody draws in their own specific way. Rule number one is: “Don’t compare yourself with anybody”. Every person has different dispositions especially, in the spiritual sense of the word.

Kamila Podivínová

Nothing you send us ends up in the trash

Thank you for all the mandalas, feedback, and emails you send. It motivates us in our work. Nothing you send us ends up in the trash:-)

Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková

Free Mandalas - Photo Gallery

With Free Mandala program you will get one mandala template with information about the colors, shapes, and uses of mandalas in different cultures once in every three weeks. You can also send your painted mandala to our gallery...

Zuzana Řezáčová Lukášková
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