Support us

5 reasons to support Centrum Mandala z. s.

1. you help improving our society
2. you help people in making their dreams come true
3. you will feel better abou yourself
4. you can deduct the donation from your taxes
5. you can always check where your money goes to and what it will be used for

How you can support us

  • by a tangible gift
  • by a donation
  • by getting some work done
  • by enrolling in a course or purchasing something from our shop
  • by spreading the word

Become a Centrum Mandala partner

It is our goal to improve current social climate. We believe that only happy and content people that can make a happy society. If you can identify with this vision, support us! All the funds and donations are used for specific and pre-arranged purposes. These mainly include the improvement of the quality of our services (e.g. updates of the website, programming of new website features, room equipment, etc.) and the realization of our projects.

Currently we need help with these projects

  • Mandala for children - a competition for kindergarden and primary schools
  • We make dreams come true - a project to support women and young artists
  • Creating an online mandala gallery and gamification

One-off needs

  •  making a video about the center
  •  making a viral video
  •  producing relaxation CDs (we already have the music and the instructions)
  •  recording and compiling audio instructions for our online courses (in Czech and English)
  •  printing a mandala workbook (free mandala)
  •  a php programmer - programming of online cards, online shop - purchasing forms, booking forms for renting and applications management, programming of sharing the mandalas, experiences, programming photo contests

What we need in a long-term

  •  Facebook maintainer
  •  marketing strategy - mailing
  •  a linkbuilder
  •  a PR manager
  •  a fundraising manager
  •  media partners
  •  a PPC manager, google adwords
  •  help with promotion
  •  an event organizer
  •  a translator for the website and on-line course materials

Tangible things we need

  •  A3 and A2 plastic picture frames
  •  prices for Mandala for children competition
  •  art material
  •  equipment for our maternity center
  •  an outdoor sign
  •  a banner for events in Brno
  •  a projector and a projecting screen or sheet
  •  easels

What we offer to our partners

  •  promotion to all the attendees of our courses and to everyone who is interested in our centre
  •  discounts on courses for you, your employees, even the possibility to create an individualized course especially for you (based on your requirements with a capacity of at least 6 people).

You can experience a very original team building, art therapy, art couching, pleasant relaxation or art-time-management (some courses are offered in English as well!). You can borrow pictures from Centrum Mandala or we can create a special harmonizing picture only for your company.

If you are interested in co-operation, please contact us.

Pravidelně nás podporují

  • family Lukáškova - folding tables nd chairs
  • Jana Kuřátková - legal consulting
  • Jan Řezáč - web design
  • Mr. Joska - helps us with transfering the material into curves
  • Anna Janová a Iva Reznerová - accounting
Mandala dětem

Pomozte dětem bez domova

Pomozte nám vybrat mandaly pro benefiční výstavu a nebo si rovnou kupte mandalu z galerie projektu Mandala dětem.

Nenechte mandalovník a náš svět bez barev!