Vše o mandalách

Mandala dětem

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Mandalas in Different Cultures

A mandala is a geometric configuration of symbols. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of practitioners and adepts, as a spiritual guidance tool, for establishing a sacred space and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.

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Mandala is everywhere around us. It is a cross-cultural symbol of harmony and unity. Mandala is a space for self-discovery.

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Doodling Mandalas

Instructions for easy mandala creating.

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Shapes in Mandalas

You may attempt realizing how the shapes speak to our mind or what may be expressed though them by depicting a word, feeling or emotion just in a shape. A colour is not important at all. Achieved knowledge may be compared to the text guide placed on our webside. The text was based on your replies in a questionaire (and it keeps being updated).

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Colours in mandalas

Colours, they surround us everywhere and they are wearers of many information. So the colours you put into a mandala are telling a lot about you.

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Mandala stencil for mandala painting

There are many possibilities how to create a mandala template. One of them is taking a pencil and a piece of paper, letting your hand slide over over it and watching what is being created. You can add or adjust some of the patterns and voilá, a template is born.

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How to Create a Mandala

Do you want to create a mandala and you do not know how? We offer several how-to manuals.

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Using Mandalas

Use mandalas for inspiration and creative drawing.

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Mandala and Sacred Geometry

Studies of sacred geometry benefit the connection between the right and left brain hemisphere. Come and get creative with us.

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Mandalas for Children

Today mandalas are used not only in psychotherapy, but also as „coloring books” for adults or as a tool for relaxation and spiritual cleansing. They are also increasingly used by children. It is surprising how even all the hyperactive children can enjoy the calm creation, how the generally apathetic children become alive and how kids with various disabilities get involved in drawing as well.

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Ideas for Art Classes

Teach your children how colors are created and what they can capture! Let's play and explore the world.

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How to Draw a Mandala


Find at least 2 hours in your schedule only for yourself. Find a warm and quiet place where you can feel safe, turn off your mobile phone, make yourself a tea, light up scented candles, turn on some meditation music, put your favourite dried fruit in a little bowl and put some soft cryons (one of the best are called "Omega") next to your mandala template. Or just simply sit anywhere you want and get started…

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Mandala zdarma

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